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That's to my family members,
Relations and friends...
For me, they shouldn't cry!
While I die,
My young France daughter,
Will arrive near!
To view her brain...
Adopted father!
With eyes warm tears shower!
And to do sendoff for me!
Up to burial ground...
Where will I say bye bye...
To my living mother!
Oh! My baby beauty butterfly!
Now you look my face...
Like chicken fry!
And smile via thy -
Eyes and lips please!
Relations and friends...
For me, they shouldn't cry!
While I die,
My young France daughter,
Will arrive near!
To view her brain...
Adopted father!
With eyes warm tears shower!
And to do sendoff for me!
Up to burial ground...
Where will I say bye bye...
To my living mother!
Oh! My baby beauty butterfly!
Now you look my face...
Like chicken fry!
And smile via thy -
Eyes and lips please!